This Surdas Bhajan is set to a rare and one of the most beautiful morning Ragas Anand Bhairav.
This is set to tune by Smt. Apoorva Gokhale.
'Udho Kaho Hari' is a Bhajan which is a part of the conversation of the Gopikas and Uddhav, who has been sent by Krishna. Uddhav's purpose was to impart his knpwledge to the people of Brindavan. But he bows down to the Gopikas and finds that their Bhakti to Krishna is unmatchable to the path of knowledge.
Introducrion to the song 'Udho hari'
Introduction to the Raga Anand Bhairav
Learning the song Udho Hari
To develop awareness about Soordas and his work
To understand the jist meaning of the verses of the song
To develop awareness about the Raga and its expressions in the Bhajan
To understand the nuances by Swara mapping
To recite the Theka of Bhajan Taal
To understand the Laya of the song
To learn the Bhajan by putting together all the concepts
Learning outcomes
The student is able to
skillfully present the Bhajan 'Udho Hari ' with an understanding of the Raga and ability to do improvisation.
Skill Level HV210